May 24, 2012

Peabody Has A Birthday

The Pheebs turned two! Since her birthday fell on the Friday before Mother's Day, and there were other weekend activities planned, we just took cupcakes and balloons to church on Thursday night and called it a party.
"What's going on?"

"Oh! Everyone is singing! I know this song! I'll sing too."


"Mmm, cupcake."

"I love cupcakes!"

"I'm gonna take a really big bite."

"Whoa, what kind of cupcake IS this?" (It was lemon.)
We gave all of the kinds cheap glow sticks and everyone was happy.

On her actual birthday we took lunch to Eric's work, and then during naptime I put together her gift:

The poor Boogie never did have a tricycle, so I've always wanted to get one for Peabody. The rocker swings up to become a handle so we can easily push her around. Both the Boogie's birthday scooter and the trike stayed in the house for a while but finally went to live out in the garage last week. We have a nice little patio in the back and a decent driveway for kids to ride around on!

After Daddy got home Peabody opened her gifts from my parents.

She loves loves loves faces. She asks me to draw faces -- happy, sad, angry, surprised, scared -- all the time, and I tell her to make the face I drew.




Hmmm ... I don't know what this is ... worried?

This is my favorite, what she does when we say "Make a happy face!" Ha!
She's just so much fun! I love this age!


Chrissy said...

She is just so adorable and sweet. I love the faces!!!

Katie said...

Aww happy birthday Pheebs! I know, I love this age, too. :)

Rhonda Smith said...

Owen has the rock, roll and ride trike, too. It's awesome.