Here's my last picture of our 2-year-old Boogie:
After she went to bed we decorated the apartment.
Streamers in front of her door:
A couple of birthday banners (yes, we were up until midnight):
When she woke up she was excited by the decorations and I let her open a gift right away:
She had to wear her crown, since she was Birthday Princess for the day:
We picked up Taco Bell and went to see her Daddy for lunch. He had a little gift for her to open. After lunch we bought her birthday cake:
Later that afternoon we walked over to 52 where she got to open several more little gifts from her Mommom and Poppop:
During her nap I set up her "big" gift from us and when My Man came home he woke her up and brought her out to the living room to see it:
She LOVED it! We had some more presents for her (some books and games) -- she would open one, glance at it, and go right back to her train. We had to keep coaxing her back to open the rest of them!
"Forget those games, guys, I need to play with my train!"
After dinner we loaded up the car with balloons and cake and iced tea and lemonade and went to church:
We set up a table in the foyer with cake and balloons and fun birthday plates. Sadly I somehow did not get a picture of it. It looked cute.
Her Auntie (SIL3) gave her this Ugly Doll named Chuckanucka:
She loves it!
Then it was time to sing and blow out candles:
Everyone ate cake and she got even MORE gifts!
I think she had a really fun day.
This morning she woke up at 6:15 and came into my room: "Honey, I need my engines!" I told her it was too early to get up and that she could get into bed with me for a while. She squirmed and tossed and turned and talked and finally held my hand and dozed off ... and then the alarm went off. Rats. But despite the shortened amount of sleep she was happy all morning playing with her new toys and her cousin HE who spent the morning with us. She even shared nicely! And now she is taking a nice looooong nap.
Thank you, everyone, for the happy birthday and anniversary wishes. While My Man and I didn't do much to celebrate our anniversary (we'll go out to eat sometime soon), it was still a lovely day!
I just can't believe my little girl is three years old already. What a joy she has been and continues to be to us -- we are looking forward to that joy being doubled when Baby Sister makes her appearance!
Such sweet memories!
Looks like the little princess had a great day!
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