April 30, 2010

Some News

No, no baby yet. :)

I haven't blogged about this, but for almost a year My Man and I have been house-hunting. We found several houses that we liked ... we made offers on a couple of them ... God seemed to keep closing doors.

In February I saw a little house listed on a real estate website. It seemed priced low for the neighborhood, and there were no pictures of the interior which made me suspicious about its condition. But I kept thinking that it wouldn't hurt to just go look at it, and after a couple of weeks we did. We were pleasantly surprised to see that it was actually kind of cute -- VERY outdated, but cute and with a lot of potential. We prayed about it and made an offer.

It took several weeks, but the seller of the house finally agreed to our offer and we signed the contract over two weeks ago. That is, we signed the contract. He did not. He was supposed to, but was dragging his feet.

As first time homebuyers, we were anxious to be under contract by today in order to qualify for the tax credit. Today kept getting closer and the seller still had not signed. We finally got word that he was going to sign last night. As of this morning, however, he had not.

We firmly believe that God has a plan for our lives. We have prayed and prayed and prayed for His guidance and direction in every step of this house-hunting journey. Each prospect that didn't work out was disappointing, but we kept telling ourselves that God had something better for us down the road.

When I saw the email this morning that the seller still had not signed, I cried. I really did. I KNOW God's plan is best -- I keep telling myself that, and I truly do believe it. But you know what? Even though I know His plan is best, it is still initially disappointing to find that His plan doesn't coincide with my own. 

So I cried and prayed and cried some more and God gave me that peace in knowing that He is in control. A tax credit is a drop in the ocean for Him, and God does not need government money!

And then after work My Man got a phone call that the seller had signed the contract this morning.

We are under contract to purchase a house! We are so excited! There are still many steps to take, and there is still the chance that things could fall through. It won't be our house until we actually close, and there is a deadline for closing in order to qualify for the tax credit. But we're on our way and we are so thankful to the Lord for allowing us to get this far. He is so, so good to us.

Now, if this baby would just decide that she would rather be out than in ... :)


Rhonda said...

Oh girlfriend! This is great news!!! I'll be praying with you two.

Cove Girl said...

How exciting!!!

Renee said...

I'm so excited for you Rach! It'll be so wonderful to see what exactly God does with this situation for you & your family!

Dear Abbi said...

Aww, congrats! That's exciting! I'm so happy for you!