February 22, 2010


You know that saying, "Out of the mouths of babes?" I've always taken it to mean that children tell it like they see it. So I'm wondering why all of a sudden lately the Boogie is labeling everything as being mine. Not "mine" as in selfish preschooler speak, but referring to everything as belonging to me, her mother. For example:
-Honey's car
-Honey's house
-Honey's room
-Honey's bed
-Honey's gig gil potty
-Honey's tee-bee (for watching "Thomas talking")

I don't think I claim possession to everything in our home. I know for a fact that I don't refer to the toilet as being exclusively mine. My Man takes it good-naturedly; it doesn't seem to bother him when the Boogie tells him, "No, Daddy, you sleep in Honey's bed," when he pretends that he is going to nap on hers. It's just very interesting to me. My guess is that there are plenty of other little ones who do the same thing. Maybe it's because I'm the one who is home with her most of the time, cleaning the apartment and making the bed, etc. Sometimes I wish there were some way into this almost-3-year-old's psyche to figure out why she views things the way she does!

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