February 1, 2010

February: What There Is To Love

It's short. It means January is over. There are candy conversation hearts. And it's that much closer to spring.

I had great goals of blogging much more last month. I think I did pretty well for the first two-thirds of the month. Then it all went downhill ... Eh, oh well. Let's start a new month, shall we?

I couldn't escape that stomach bug. The Sunday after the Boogie had it I woke up feeling fine, went to church and taught my Sunday school class, and then about half-way through the morning service started to feel weird. The minute church was over we went home and I spend the rest of Sunday and most of Monday in bed and on the couch. I felt so badly about having gone to church, but I really had no idea that The Bug was coming to get me -- it came on very suddenly. On Tuesday I felt much better and by Wednesday I was totally fine. Somehow My Man avoided it, though. Praise the Lord!

This past Saturday My Man and I took the train into Philly to the auto show. We go every year -- this was our fifth auto show expedition. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I thought it would be on the first day of the show, and we checked out lots of vehicles for family- and wallet-friendliness. We also did a lot of people-watching. I think by the time we were finishing up we were looking at the people more than the cars. My favorite this time was the lady in the black-and-white large-check sweater dress. She looked like a walking checkerboard. I really should have taken a picture but I was too chicken.
I don't have any new Boogie pictures or videos. I do have this one, though.

Baby Sister is growing! I am starting to feel more uncomfortable by the end of some days. I had to postpone my last doctor's appointment a couple of times due to The Bug, so I go back in a couple of days and will see how we're doing.

Time to watch out, Monday, here I come ...


Primetime Babyboomers said...

I love the picture! You look so cute!

Abby said...

cute little belly!!! do you have a name yet??