March 12, 2009

Tiny Steps To The Potty

The Boogie was put in her crib for a nap. After about fifteen minutes she began calling, "Mama? Mama!" Naptime is usually a breeze. She goes right to sleep. If she is calling for me it means she needs something. I went in and closed the curtains by her crib (she loves to look out the window,) and she said, "uh-oh, burpie." Sure enough, her burpie was behind the curtains. I returned it to her, gave her a binky, and said, "okay, time to lay down and go to sleep." She patted her bottom and told me, " 'tinky diaper." And it was! I'm in NO HURRY to start potty training but am pleased that she's making baby steps in that direction.

She has started calling me "honey." She says, "Hello, honey," or "Hi, Mama honey." She asks me, "Ah you okay, Mama? Okay, honey?" while patting me or stroking my cheek. Yesterday she was sitting on our bed with My Man. She pointed to him and said, "Daddy," patted her chest and said her own name, then pointed down the hall where I was, though she couldn't see me, and said, "Mama honey." Oh, I just love it. It makes my heart melt into a little puddle every time she says it.

If we leave the room she runs after us shouting, "Wai' fo' me! Wai' fo' me! Wait! Wait!" while holding her arms straight out in front of her with her palms facing away from her, as if to say "Stop!" Yesterday she came into the room where I was, cocked her head to the side, and asked, "What ya doin'?" repeatedly. When she accomplishes something she jumps up and down exclaiming, "Yay, yippee, I did it, I did it!" She's getting better about asking nicely for help ("Hel', kee,") instead of screaming in frustration. When she burps or passes gas she giggles and says, "Scusie." She loves to swing in the baby swing in the backyard over at 52, except she thinks it's flying: "Fly. Fly, Mama." If she sees me with a mug she comes running over, "Oshee, Mama? Peesh? Oshee?" It must be inbred in her to love the taste of coffee. I remember begging my parents for it, too, when I was little. The other thing she begs for is ice cream: "Mo', mo' bite peesh, i'keem." "Please" originally sounded like "kee kee" which I think is why she still uses it in certain phrases. Now it's "peesh" and occasionally "plea," so we're getting there! I think the way she says things is so cute. I don't correct her. Time enough for that later. I'm just so impressed with all the words and phrases she is picking up every day.


Wendy Glosser said...

I so enjoy hearing Boogie stories on your blog. Thank you for sharing!

Melissa said...

What a cutie! You must have so much fun with her :-)

Abby said...

don't you think its time for another??? they are so cute and precious!!

Jersey Mama said...

All in good time, my friend. All in good time.

Renee said...

That is really, really precious!

No No Nanette said...

Katie will call me "baby".

I love how they pick up on our language:)