March 29, 2009

Thunder and Lightning and Hail, Oh My!

Crazy weather today. This morning it was chilly, damp, and foggy. This afternoon the clouds cleared up and the sun came out and it warmed up beautifully. I opened all the windows and aired out the apartment. When we left for church I went around and closed them most of the way because I didn't want it to get too cool while we were gone. Good thing I did because we had a cold front sweep through, bringing with it lightning and hail and torrential rain! I believe there were even tornado warnings up in PA. Of course tonight is the night that FIL drove up that direction with the visiting missionary to visit another church.

This afternoon I asked the Boogie, "Are you ready for your nap?"
"No," she replied, "no nap. I tan't!"

"I tan't" is her newest phrase. It goes perfectly with the word no.


Dear Abbi said...

We had the same bizarre weather! Glad you closed your windows. :)

Renee said...

Boy oh boy, a tempermental earth 7 child...Ain't that somethin'?