I talked to my dad yesterday. I put him on speakerphone so he could talk to the Boogie, too. She responded to everything he said to her with, "Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah." She has turned into a regular Chatty Cathy on the phone. I think she thinks that my mom (her Lela) lives in there. I was texting someone one day and she looked intently at the phone for a minute, got a big grin on her face, and said, "Lela!"
A topic came up the other day on the online mom board that I am part of. It really made me think and I am having a difficult time deciding exactly where I stand on this issue. Should a law be passed which bans smoking in a vehicle that children are riding in? My first inclination is to say no. I don't like the government telling me what I can and can't do in my own home or vehicle with my own family. I don't smoke, myself. I dislike it. I don't like when people smoke around me or my child. I know how dangerous it is to a person's health, not only to the smoker but to those breathing second-hand smoke. But if there is a law passed banning smoking in a vehicle when children are present, what will be banned next? On the other hand, if I am riding in a car with someone and they light up, I can ask them to put out their cigarette. If I am in a room with someone who is smoking, I can leave. A child doesn't usually have that ability. Small children especially are helpless in this area. So in that case, would a law which protects the innocent be worth it? What do YOU think?
The Boogie had a bath this afternoon and her freshly-washed hair dried so cute and wispy with the ends all flipped out. I tried to get a good picture of it but she wasn't very cooperative. I got a couple of shots. Then I tried for some self-portraits of the two of us. Her eyes were closed in just about every one! What are the odds? But I managed to get one or two.
And then just for fun:
I like the b&w of you both.
That's not the first time I've heard that, I listen to a lot of talk radio and it has come up as a topic in the past. I agree that it's a slippery slope that would be entered into if people started regulating what goes on in peoples cars. But personally I think it's a form of child abuse (especially since children can't speak up for themselves), and we definitely have laws protecting children against that.
That will be intersting to see what happens with that one.
Yes, it is a hard one. They want to make laws protecting our children against this and what next. Why can't they see that more are being harmed by abortion than anything else? I know it's another topic. It is the slippery slope as Carolyn said. Will they decide to take our kids from us because we're reading the Bible to them and they think we're a cult? Anything can happen. I wouldn't say it's a major issue, but that's because I'm not really around it or affected by it. Some say the same for abortion though. It's nice that they've removed it from a lot of public places, but I don't see them getting rid of it completely. What will they do if they see them smoking in a car with kids. Pull them over and give them a ticket? Take the kids? Has there been any speculation as to how they would deal with it? Just curious. Love all the pics:)
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